If you can remember flipping through magazines, dog-earing the pages or, cutting out all kinds of cool pictures to put together on a collage board, then Pinterest will blow you away. We're talking fulfilling all of your vision board dreams.
With just the click of a button, you can immediately add a picture or video from any website to one of your very own 'Pin Boards'. Thus, 'Pin'ning the things that 'interest' you. We've incorporated this into our website. On each product's page just below the 'Add To Cart' button (see images below) you will find the 'Pin it' button. Just click this to add the picture to one of your boards.
For those of you who don't have a Pinterest account yet, apparently the company requires you to ask for an invitation to join, which can be done on their website, or Facebook page. The best way, however, is to have a friend (who already has an account) invite you.
As they say... "Happy Pinning!"

After Pinning, be sure to enter the URL of your pin to our giveaway widget on our Fanpage.

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